Monday, October 21, 2013

Hello Blogger!


In retaliation to the ever growing acrylic yarn monster under my bed I, Jessica (Jessie) Lockwood, have accepted the 30 Day Crochet Challenge! In this blog I will be discussing each of the thirty challenges proposed by the Facebook page, 30 Day Crochet Challenges. Each challenge post will contain: the challenge, my finished work, my thoughts on the challenge and a question to my followers. Surely thirty crochet projects will tame the beast!

Now, for the introductions,
First I would like to introduce you to my roommate and the author of The Crazed Astronomer Blog, Alex Brantley. Alex will often appear to model the latest challenge or to just help out with the challenge in question. Because of this, Alex will be getting a lot of crocheted gifts in the next few months. Lucky girl right?  (Space and art fans, please give Alex’s blog a visit! )
Second, I would like to introduce myself.  My name is Jessie and I attend Henderson State University where I study middle school education. My favorite subjects are Biology and Public School Art. I am a very messy crafter.  The yarn monster (I'll call him Max.) is a result of my messy habits and perhaps the radiation from the microwave that keeps going out on my dorm floor. I haven't really looked into what has given him life yet.

 Life as a college student can be fun, but with 18 hours on my plate, I need to unwind and take a few minutes to myself.  Crochet, or almost any crafting for that matter, helps me relax and feel refreshed after I have bogged my mind up with the troubles of the day. Crocheting before bed clears the mind and helps me sleep. That is why I chose this 30 day challenge to help me in my battle against Max.  If you would like to join Max and me and take the challenge with us, follow this link:  30 Day Crochet Challenge Facebook Page